Adventure to India

No, not me...but my husband and his bestie (Andy), were recently asked to help out an organization called Charasia in India.  I won't give away too many of the details, but check out all of the info on their blog. Basically, God is sending them to use the gifts he has given them and help out an amazing organization that is literally setting people free. Stuart will be doing some video footage and Andy will be taking pictures, giving Charasia new, beautiful, updated, media to share with the world. They leave on November 7 and will be gone for 10 days, and they need your prayers and support!

Their goal is to raise $4500 before they leave to cover travel and accommodations while they are there. They also have a list of things that they are looking to get for their trip (I'll put that list below).  If you'd like to help, please watch this video below, visit their blog, and click on the donate button! Or you can simply donate here. You can also add them on facebook, follow them on Twitter, send them an email, stop by their homes, give them a call, take them to coffee, wash their'll be sure never to miss a beat. Please be in prayer for them as they go. Andy and Stuart are two of the busiest people I know and their lives don't slow down just because they now have a last-minute, 10-day, life-changing trip to India! So please pray for good rest, good health, safety, support, and endurance to keep up their energy. Please also pray for their wives they are leaving behind...especially Andy's wife who is 7 months pregnant with his first child...we are both so excited that they have this opportunity, but we miss them when they are gone! More than anything, we all pray that God will use them in every way he wants to, and that nothing will get in the way of that. Thanks to everyone that has already, and will continue to be so supportive. It means the world to us and we praise God for you.

Create to Restore: India - How you can help from Stuart Atkins on Vimeo.

"However, as it is written:
   "No eye has seen,
      no ear has heard,
   no mind has conceived
   what God has prepared for those who love him"

-1 Corinthians 2:9

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stuart (October 28, 2010 at 1:33 AM)  

socool! thanks so much for the cool blog post. my wife rocks the party unlike anyone i know

Chantz hough (October 29, 2010 at 7:38 AM)  

I'm so excited to get to serve with your hubby and Andy.

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